Recommend Three Ways In Which Women And Children Can Be Protected From Discrimination And Violence

Recommend three ways in which women and children can be protected from discrimination and violence

Protection from Discrimination and Violence

There are several ways by which both women and children can be protected from discrimination and violence. First, women and children should be taught at home that discrimination and violence is not allowable and that they should protect themselves in every way they can to combat these worldwide issues. They should understand that there are helps available for them and there are laws that protects them from such issues. Secondly, women and children should also be taught several ways by which they can defend themselves. There are lots of self defense programs available for both children and women such as karate, taekwondo, and arnis. Children should also be kept reminded that they should not talk to anyone they are not familiar with since that might place them under several risks. Lastly, when they felt discriminated or violated encourage them that they should report or share the experience at once. Since these issues are now widely addressed by the government and there are now laws that protect people from these prevailing issues. Even at school, there are now programs by which discrimination and violence are combated. Everything will only be properly addressed and settled only when victims are prepared to divulge what they are experiencing or what they have experienced.


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